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These are the current theories and hypotheses (in a slightly more scientific meaning of the words) influencing the design and implementation of the 3L Project's development. They are just theories and hypotheses and are not set in stone. Most will probably change and be adjusted to match newly gained knowledge, viewpoints, and understandings. Note that many of these hypotheses are built on top of the core system and do not have to be followed or used. The system allows developing completely different systems based on completely different ideas. Hypotheses are generally not proven. Theories have been proven but solutions will likely change. There is no particular ordering to the listings.
这些是目前影响 3L 项目开发的设计和实现的理论和假设(一种稍微更科学的说法)。 它们只是理论和假设,并不是一成不变的。大多数可能会改变和调整,以适应新获得的知识、观点和理解。 请注意,许多假设都是建立在核心系统之上的,不必遵循或使用。 该系统允许基于完全不同的想法来开发完全不同的系统。 假设通常无法得到证明。理论已经被证明,但是解决方案可能会改变。这些清单并没有特别的顺序。
For questions, suggestions, and feedback send an email to the 3L Project hackers list.
如有疑问、建议和反馈,请发送电子邮件到 3L 项目的 Hackers List。
Stagefright, heartbleed, GHOST, VENOM. What do these have in common? They are recent serious security vulnerabilities that could have easily been prevented.
Stagefright、 Heartbleed、 GHOST、 VENOM,这些有何共同点? 它们是最近出现的严重的安全漏洞,这些本来都是可以很容易地加以预防的。
As more computers are connected to the internet and more personal information and money moves online security becomes ever more important. Vulnerabilities are going to become more and more costly. We must start investing in the future now before things get out of hand. As programmers, do we want to spend our time playing catch-up with the crackers or building new and better software? We must start using the tools we have and invest in new tools that enable us to continue building the things we want and the world needs and stop wasting time playing whack-a-mole.
随着更多的计算机连入互联网,更多的个人信息和金钱转到线上,安全也就变得愈发重要。 漏洞会变得越来越昂贵。我们必须从现在开始对未来进行投资,以免事情失去控制。 作为程序员,我们是想将时间花在与黑客玩猫捉老鼠上,还是去构建新的更好的软件呢? 我们必须开始使用我们已有的工具,并投身于新的工具,以使我们能够持续构建我们想要的以及世界所需要的东西, 不要浪费时间在玩打地鼠上面了。
3L is really just a single Lisp program. There is only one address space and one runtime that everything else runs inside of. We can do this securely because the language runtime provides and enforces "first class environments". An environment is an object containing references to resources available in the system. It's like running a program but the program doesn't choose what libraries or hardware resources it has access to. Instead programs are run inside their own environment that provides bindings to things it is allowed to use. If you don't want a program to access the network then run it inside of an environment that has no network bindings. If the program calls a function that interacts with the network that function won't be defined in its environment and an exception will be triggered. This mechanism provides for a very robust, fine-grained, comprehensive, and simple security system.
3L 实际上只是一个 Lisp 程序。只有一个地址空间和一个运行时,其他所有的东西都在其中运行。 我们可以安全地做到这一点,因为语言运行时提供并施行“头等环境”。环境是一个对象,它包含对系统中可用资源的引用。 就像运行一个程序,但是该程序并不选择它可以访问的库或硬件资源。相反的是,程序运行在属于自己的环境之中, 该环境提供了对允许使用的东西的绑定。如果你不想让程序访问网络,那就在一个没有网络绑定的环境中运行它。 若是程序调用一个与网络交互的函数,该函数将不会在其环境中定义,并且会触发一个异常。 该机制提供了一个非常健壮、细粒度、全面和简单的安全系统。
译注:头等环境,即将环境作为操作系统的头等公民, 与之对等的概念是编程语言中的头等函数。
一种新的操作系统设计 - http://www.yinwang.org/blog-cn/2013/04/14/os-design
Understandably the most frequent question with regards to the 3L Project is why do we need a new OS? The answer lies in the history of the mini and micro computer and the momentum behind supporting legacy software.
可以理解,有关 3L 项目 的最常见问题是「为什么我们需要一个新的操作系统?」。 其答案存在于迷你和微型计算机的历史,以及支持传统软件的推力之中。